Laboratories Facing Trial

Why Is Abbott Laboratories Facing Trial?

Abbott Laboratories, a pharmaceutical giant known for its iconic Similac brand, finds itself at the center of a high-stakes legal battle. The company, which has long enjoyed a reputation for quality and innovation, now faces a jury trial.

The trial claims that the  Similac formula by Abbott may have contributed to a devastating condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in premature infants. In this article, we delve deeper into the specific allegations against Abbott and more.

Why Are People Filing Lawsuits Related to Similac Formula?

Many parents, families, and caregivers have taken legal action against Abbott Laboratories, the maker of Similac baby formula. They argue that Abbott failed to notify consumers about the potential hazards linked with their cow’s milk-based products. These dangers include an increased probability of NEC in premature or low birth-weight infants.

According to these lawsuits, Abbott knew or should have known about the potential for NEC based on multiple studies from as early as 1990. These studies showed that NEC was significantly more common in preterm infants who were exclusively fed formula instead of breast milk. As per Drugwatch, one study found the risk was 6 to 10 times greater for formula-fed preemies compared to breastfed babies. Another study put the risk at 20 times higher for formula-fed preemies.

Typical allegations in these lawsuits Include:

  • Breach of warranty that the product was fit for its intended use
  • Negligence in failing to warn of health risks properly
  • Failure to disclose the danger of NEC associated with the product
  • The formula was defective and unreasonably dangerous
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Plaintiffs are seeking damages for medical costs, loss of quality of life, funeral expenses if the infant died, and other compensation.

One lawsuit claimed that Abbott “intentionally mislabeled and misrepresented the contents” of their formula, misleading consumers and medical professionals into believing the products were similar to or better than breastmilk. The lawsuit alleged Abbott knew their cow’s milk formulas carried health risks like NEC and death for certain infants.

NEC Claims Against Formula Companies Continue Through MDL and Trial Litigation

The lawsuits regarding NEC in infants are ongoing. This is a serious condition that affects the intestines of premature babies and can lead to health issues or death. Some families allege that certain infant formulas increase the risk of NEC and that manufacturers failed to warn of this danger properly.

Several law firms continue accepting new clients to these NEC cases. In late July 2024, TorHoerman Law firm obtained a $495 million verdict in a trial against a major formula manufacturer. This outcome could influence the ongoing multidistrict litigation (MDL) consolidated in Illinois federal court.

As of early August 2024, over 538 claims were part of the MDL, a slight rise from the previous month. Lawyers believe heightened public awareness of the NEC lawsuit update, as well as large damages awards, contribute to the growing number of cases.

The litigation seeks to determine if formula makers bear responsibility for NEC injuries reported in some infants. Plaintiffs argue stronger health warnings could have prevented harm. The legal process aims to resolve competing views on corporate responsibility in this sensitive domain.

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How Dangerous Is NEC?

NEC is a dangerous condition that impacts the intestines of some newborn infants, particularly those who are premature or have a low birth weight. The intestines become inflamed and damaged, which can lead to infection. If not treated right away, NEC can rapidly spread and cause death.

NEC usually develops within the first month of life. Babies who are born too early (before 37 weeks) or weigh less than 3.25 pounds face the highest risks. Other factors that may increase the chance of NEC include feeding formula through a tube instead of breastmilk and difficult deliveries. 

Low oxygen levels after birth, too many red blood cells, or existing infections in the intestines are also potential risk factors. As per WebMD, babies who are seriously ill or have received blood transfusions also tend to be at higher risk.

NEC is rare overall, affecting about 1 in 2,000 to 4,000 births. But it is one of the most common reasons for emergency intestinal surgery in premature babies. 

Mortality rates vary based on severity. Up to 50% of babies with NEC may die. The rate is nearly 100% for those with the most advanced stages involving perforations or sepsis.

It remains a serious threat, especially for tiny premature infants. Close observation and early intervention are necessary to provide newborns with the best chances of recovery when NEC develops.


1. Are there concerns about infants using Similac?

A: Some cow’s milk-based formulas, including Similac and Enfamil, have been associated with potential health risks in infants. One particular concern is the increased likelihood of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), especially in premature or underweight newborns whose digestive systems are still developing.

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2. How does breast milk compare to formula?

A: Breast milk is generally considered superior to formula due to its unique composition. The nutrients in breast milk are typically more easily digested and utilized by infants. This includes carbohydrates and proteins that are particularly beneficial for developing the baby’s brain and nervous system.

3. What was discovered during the Abbott formula investigation?

A: An investigation into Abbott’s formula manufacturing facility revealed several issues. These included evidence of bacterial contamination, structural problems such as a leaking roof, and inadequate safety measures.

Going forward, Abbott must decide whether to double down in defense or take this opportunity to reform practices. They could become a true leader in transparent, evidence-based infant nutrition.

The outcome could shape public confidence in an iconic company for years to come. It may also impact health protections for generations of babies to come. The court battles raging now may ultimately determine which path Abbott follows at this important juncture.

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